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Doctorante, Aix-Marseille Université

Equipe / Group:



Sébastien Dementin, Bénédicte Burlat, Vincent Fourmond, Fanny Leroux, Pierre-Pol Liebgott, Abbas Abou Hamdan, Christophe Léger, Marc Rousset, Bruno Guigliarelli, Patrick Bertrand.
Rates of Intra- and Intermolecular Electron Transfers in Hydrogenase Deduced from Steady-State Activity Measurements.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133 (26), 10211 - 10221. DOI: 10.1021/ja202615a HAL: hal-00677402v1


Fanny Leroux, Pierre-Pol Liebgott, Laurent Cournac, Pierre Richaud, Arlette Kpebe, Bénedicte Burlat, Bruno Guigliarelli, Patrick Bertrand, Christophe Léger, Marc Rousset.
Is engineering O2-tolerant hydrogenases just a matter of reproducing the active sites of the naturally occurring O2-resistant enzymes?.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35 (19), 10770 - 10777. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2010.02.071 HAL: hal-01977635v1

Pierre-Pol Liebgott, Fanny Leroux, Bénédicte Burlat, Sébastien Dementin, Carole Baffert, Thomas Lautier, Vincent Fourmond, Pierre Ceccaldi, Christine Cavazza, Isabelle Meynial-Salles, Philippe Soucaille, Juan Carlos Fontecilla-Camps, Bruno Guigliarelli, P.
Relating diffusion along the substrate tunnel and oxygen sensitivity in hydrogenase.
Nat Chem Biol, 2010, 6, 63 - 70. DOI: 10.1038/nchembio.276 HAL: hal-01977629


Vincent Fourmond, Kevin Hoke, Hendrik A. Heering, Carole Baffert, Fanny Leroux, Patrick Bertrand, Christophe Léger.
SOAS: A free program to analyze electrochemical data and other one-dimensional signals.
Bioelectrochemistry, 2009, 76 (1-2), 141 - 147. DOI: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2009.02.010 HAL: hal-00402940v1

Sébastien Dementin, Fanny Leroux, Laurent Cournac, Antonio L. de Lacey, Anne Volbeda, Christophe Léger, Bénédicte Burlat, Nicolas Martinez, Stéphanie Champ, Lydie Martin, Oliver Sanganas, Michael Haumann, Víctor M. Fernández, Bruno Guigliarelli, Ju.
Introduction of Methionines in the Gas Channel Makes [NiFe] Hydrogenase Aero-Tolerant.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131 (29), 10156 - 10164. DOI: 10.1021/ja9018258

Vincent Fourmond, Thomas Lautier, Carole Baffert, Fanny Leroux, Pierre-Pol Liebgott, Sébastien Dementin, Marc Rousset, Pascal Arnoux, David Pignol, Isabelle Meynial-Salles, Phillippe Soucaille, Patrick Bertrand, Christophe Léger.
Correcting for Electrocatalyst Desorption and Inactivation in Chronoamperometry Experiments.
Anal. Chem., 2009, 81 (8), 2962 - 2968. DOI: 10.1021/ac8025702 HAL: hal-01825488v1


F. Leroux, S. Dementin, B. Burlat, L. Cournac, A. Volbeda, S. Champ, L. Martin, B. Guigliarelli, P. Bertrand, J. Fontecilla-Camps, M. Rousset, C. Leger.
Experimental approaches to kinetics of gas diffusion in hydrogenase.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2008, 105 (32), 11188 - 11193. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0803689105 HAL: hal-00336010v1