Dynamique réactionnelle des enzymes rédox multicentres, cinétique électrochimique

Reaction dynamics of multicenter redox enzymes, electrochemical kinetics

Downloading and installing

Download QSoas

QSoas is free software; you can download its source code below, or browse the latest code in the github repository.

Binary images

Starting from version 3.1, the binary images of the installers for windows and MacOS are provided free of charge.

The download is a single ZIP archive containing the installers for windows (.msi), windows 64 (-win64.msi) and MacOS (.pkg). For installing, just extract the archive, and double click on the relevant package. As of now, the binaries are not signed, which means you have to authorize unsafe installations to get QSoas to install properly.

Source code

Compiling from source

Version 3.2 of QSoas requires the following software packages to compile:

  • Qt version 5, from the Qt archive.
  • Ruby, which is only necessary for compilation, but not necessary afterwards.
  • mruby, version 1.4.0 or 2.1.0 (included). The versions inbetween have issues that make QSoas crash, and the versions 3.0 and later are not yet supported.
  • The GNU Scientific Library

On a Debian (or Ubuntu) system, you can install the build dependencies by running (as root):

~ apt install ruby-dev libmruby-dev libgsl-dev libqt5opengl5-dev qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev libqt5svg5-dev qttools5-dev

Build running the following commands in the unpacked archive directory:

~ qmake ~ make

You may need to use qmake -qt=5 instead of just qmake.


Intranet downloads are available for collaborators located in our laboratory.

Download and install SOAS


Here are the source files of the last releases of SOAS. However, QSoas surpasses SOAS in every possible way, and binaries are also freely available for Windows and Mac. There is no point in keeping using the old SOAS now. If you still do, we stronlgly urge you to switch to using QSoas.

The tarballs below include the source code and makefiles: